Kraken rum


The Kraken is produced using rums from Trinidad & Tobago. It's strong, rich, black and smooth. Drink neat or on the rocks, or with a splash of cola and a squeeze 

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©2021 Kraken Rum Co. Imported by Proximo Spirits UK EC2R 5BJ. 40% alc/vol. Like the deepest sea, The Kraken should be treated with great respect and responsibility so please drink responsibly. Imported black rum from the Caribbean is blended with more than 13 secret spices to create this mythical beast of a spiced rum. Intense molasses, spice and brown sugar aromas on the nose and rich coffee, chocolate, vanilla bean, spice, molasses and clove flavours on the palate make this ideal in World Rum Guide Review The Kraken Black Spiced Rum offers the typically aromatic character of a spiced rum, with fragrant vanilla, coffee and cinnamon.

AS IT IS TOLD, The Kraken Rum is an imported rum from the Caribbean blended with secret spices. Named for the sea beast of myth and legend, The KRAKEN 

Kraken rum

Favorite Nov 03, 2009 · The Kraken — the rum, that is — cuts quite a profile in consumption, a truly monstrous hit of chocolate and molasses, cut with Christmas spices — cinnamon and allspice, cloves and maybe even some ginger. Vanilla is big on the finish. Overall the effect is quite impressive, and any spiced rum fan will get a big kick out of The Kraken. Description Named for the sea beast of myth and legend, The Kraken Rum is strong, rich, black and smooth.

Kraken Black Spiced Rum was first introduced by Proximo Spirits in 2010. The dark rum is infused with 11 “secret” spices, caramel and other natural flavors. The rum gets its name after the mythical sea creature 'The Kraken'.

Kraken rum

Kraken Rum and 4 oz. root beer. Pour rum and root beer over ice in a tall glass. The Kraken. 690,501 likes · 60 talking about this.

Kraken rum

Kraken Rum Replica Vintage Tattoo Drink Tin Sign Metal Sign TIN Sign 7.8X11.8 INCH. 4.7 out of 5 stars 453. $9.99 $ 9. 99. Get it as soon as Mon, Mar 8. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon.

$9.99 $ 9. 99. Get it as soon as Mon, Mar 8. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon.

It is distilled in Trinidad and Tobago and enriched with an exotic blend of 13 secret spices. May 31, 2016 · The Kraken Black Spiced Rum is a Caribbean black spiced rum brand owned and distributed in the United States by Proximo Spirits. For those who are confused by the term ‘Black Rum’, it is a style of rum which relies more upon caramel and molasses for its colour and flavour than it does upon barrel aging. The Kraken® and other trademarks listed under Products are owned in the United States by Proximo Spirits ©2019. All right reserved ©2019 The Kraken® Black Spiced Rum. Imported by Proximo Spirits, Jersey City, NJ. 47% alc/vol (94 proof) Like the deepest sea, The Kraken® should be treated with great respect and responsibility so please drink Jan 08, 2020 · Kraken Rum Cocktails… That’s right! Kraken Rum is a premier drink.

Kraken rum

Es el resultado de una mezcla de rones caribeños que le brindan su impresionante aroma y sabor canela, jengibre y clavo. Encuentra Ron Kraken Black Spiced 750 ml en Bodegas Alianza. País de Origen: Estados Unidos The Kraken® and other trademarks are owned by Proximo Spirits. ©2021 Kraken Rum Co. Imported by Proximo Spirits UK EC2R 5BJ. 40% alc/vol. Like the deepest sea, The Kraken should be treated with great respect and responsibility so please drink responsibly. The Kraken Black Spiced Rum Miniature - 5cl Single Bottle 13 Personalised Engraved 10 oz Heavy Dimple in the base glass, with 50ml Miniature The Kraken Rum in Silk Lined Gift box £29 Encuentra The Kraken Rum en!

Produtos encontrados: 4 Resultados de la búsqueda para: kraken 30 ms. Ordenar por: Artículos por página: Seleccionado para comparar productos: 0 Comparar. Links de Interés Importado desde el Caribe y envejecido en barricas de roble entre doce y veinticuatro meses Kraken Rum tiene una inconfundible personalidad gracias a sus trece especias exóticas entre las que encontramos la canela, el jengibre y el clavo El diseño de la botella que contiene este ron es una réplica de las botellas de ron victorianas, con dos asas laterales El color negro oscuro está inspirado en el negro de la tinta misteriosa con la que, según la leyenda, el Kraken … Kraken Rum originates from Trinidad and Tobago and was first introduced to the world in 2010.

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The Kraken is an imported rum from the Caribbean blended with secret spices · Named for the sea beast of myth and legend, The Kraken is bold, rich, black and  

Named after a sea beast of myth and legend, The Kraken Rum is strong, rich, black and smooth. Sep 30, 2019 - Explore phil kemp's board "kraken rum", followed by 538 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about kraken rum, rum recipes, rum drinks. 31/12/2020 Proveniente de las islas vírgenes, tiene un sabor dulce, suave y rico que denota notas a madera que se perciben también en su aroma.

Añejado en barricas de roble de 12 a 14 meses. Es el resultado de una mezcla de rones caribeños que le brindan su impresionante aroma y sabor canela, jengibre y clavo. Encuentra Ron Kraken Black Spiced 750 ml en Bodegas Alianza. País de Origen: Estados Unidos

Release The  4 days ago Kraken Black Spiced Rum,Smooth Caribbean rum blended with over eleven natural secret spices. AS IT IS TOLD, The Kraken Rum is an imported rum from the Caribbean blended with secret spices. Named for the sea beast of myth and legend, The KRAKEN  2 Jun 2014 The Kraken is a mythical sea beast from the 17th and 18th century, who would attack and plunder ships. The rum is strong, rich, black and smooth  Kraken Black Spiced Rum was first introduced by Proximo Spirits in 2010 . The dark rum is infused with 11 “secret” spices, caramel and other natural flavors. The Kraken®, a unique Caribbean black spiced rum, is blended with secret spices.

Su sabor es el resultado de la mezcla de 13 especias exóticas que componen una receta secreta. The Kraken® and other trademarks listed under Products are owned in the United States by Proximo Spirits ©2019. All right reserved ©2019 The Kraken® Black Spiced Rum. Imported by Proximo Spirits, Jersey City, NJ. 47% alc/vol (94 proof) Like the deepest sea, The Kraken® should be treated with great respect and responsibility so please drink responsibly.